Super Ultra High RPM Fans
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Super Ultra High RPM Fans
More Power, fast Brushless Motors, ESCs with Motortiming: Of course all gets hot!
Take care: Brushless Motors get defective at more than 90°C, the Neodym Material gets demagnetized.
Speedos with timing, or wrong gearing could heat your system and could ruin your electronic parts.
From Much More Racing there are some ventilators with different sizes and specs.
Just plug the ventilator in a not used slot of your receiver, it starts to run even the receiver is turned on.
25x25mm Fans

Item No. MR-25FAN
ESC and Motor Cooling Fan

Item No. MR-U25FAN
ESC and Motor Ultra Hi RPM Cooling Fan
30x30mm Fans

Item No. MR-30FAN
ESC and Motor Cooling Fan

Item No. MR-U30FAN
ESC and Motor Ultra Hi RPM Cooling Fan

Item No. MR-SU30FAN
ESC and Motor Super Ultra Hi RPM Cooling Fan
40x40mm Fans

Item No. MR-SU40FAN
ESC and Motor Super Ultra Hi RPM Cooling Fan